My Favorite Makeup Removers

Best Makeup Removers
Washing your face at the end of a long day is often the last thing we feel like doing. However, sleeping with your makeup on can cause breakouts, clog pores, and even lead to premature aging. Yes, you heard that right. Going to bed with your makeup on restricts your skin from breathing & fighting off environmental stressors it was exposed to that day. As a result, skin becomes more prone to wrinkles and age spots. Thankfully, there are lots of makeup removers that do a lot of the work for you, and thoroughly cleanse the skin of impurities and leftover makeup. I have rounded up my 5 favorite makeup removers and why each one is essential to me. Continue reading “My Favorite Makeup Removers”

5 SPF Beauty Products You Need for Summer 2018

SPF Beauty Products You Need for Summer 2018
Summer is officially just days away and that means it’s time to stock up on sunscreen and SPF-infused beauty products! Protecting your skin from the sun is not only one of the best ways to prevent aging but is also the best defense against cancer and skin damage. With that being said, I have rounded up a list of 5 must-have SPF beauty products for Summer 2018! Continue reading “5 SPF Beauty Products You Need for Summer 2018”

My Morning Beauty Routine

My Morning Beauty Routine
We all know how important a nighttime beauty routine is, but starting off your day with all the right essentials is crucial in maintaining a healthy and youthful appearance. In addition to my morning skincare regime, there are a number of other beauty products that I use to look and feel my best self. With that being said, let’s take a look at my current morning beauty routine essentials! Continue reading “My Morning Beauty Routine”

Review: Exuviance Age Reverse Hydrafirm

Review: Exuviance Age Reverse Hydrafirm
Studies have shown that dryness is the top aging concern among women in their 30’s, 40’s, and beyond. As skin is exposed to environmental stressors throughout the years, its natural barrier weakens over time. As the skin’s barrier function weakens, skin is more prone to dryness and irritation, which leads to early signs of aging. With that being said, I am here to introduce the product that will target these aging signs: the Exuviance Age Reverse Hydrafirm. Continue reading “Review: Exuviance Age Reverse Hydrafirm”